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The boy, Terry Dewayne Smith Jr., wasn't sleeping — and by the time Ragland's visions stopped, she had led detectives to his decomposing body behind his house in the Riverside County community of Menifee.
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* Dell Inc's special committee and the buyout group led bycompany founder and Chief Executive Michael Dell are nearing adeal that would include an offer price of $13.75 per share and aspecial dividend of 13 cents, a source familiar with the mattersaid.
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Although Martin’s ineptitude is only partially explained by statistics, one stands out: were Martin to face an entire day of Test cricket, he would, on average, have been out 46 times. There was an endearing innocence to his game yet hopelessly optimistic defensive prod, as if he were the victim of a hidden camera prank in which an unsuspecting member of the public is padded up and given five balls to survive against Dale Steyn. When the stumps caved in, as they inevitably did, there always followed a certain mild bemusement, as if he were half-expecting Jeremy Beadle to enter stage left, point a microphone at him and enforce the follow-on.
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At a certain point, even if she doesn't have the votes, Pelosi & the House Dems needs to bring the battle for a discharge petition front and center. Firstly, a lot of people DON'T know that a discharge petition is permitted under the rules of the House, so they need to start shouting NOW or ASAP that yes it IS permitted, it's NOT unconstitutional, it's NOT against the rules, it's NOT anti-American to insist the House bring a bill up for consideration that the majority of the House would like to vote on, even if it's not "the majority of the majority."
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On the way out, I picked up a copy of Gotham Journal, the restaurant’s glossy in-house magazine. It looked like a custom-published piece from Kraft or General Mills. And it underscored how far Gotham has come — and strayed — since its early, adventuresome days in a different downtown.
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CAIRO, July 23 (Reuters) - Egypt's revolutions have beenkind to Ahmed El-Kerdany. The young entrepreneur has raisedmillions of dollars of funding and kept his business growingthrough the country's worst political and economic turmoil indecades.
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Federal police clashed with some protestors as they cleared the massive square, or Zocalo, for celebrations on Sunday, when President Enrique Pena Nieto is due to lead his first traditional remembrance of the heroes of Mexican independence.
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Watsa, Fairfax's chief executive, joined BlackBerry's board in January 2012 and was one of three directors charged in March with reviewing the compensation of the Canadian company's chief executive, Thorsten Heins.
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Belle Harbor: I would like to address Quwana Barcene, Shaaliver Douse’s aunt, who stated that she is “tired of police getting away with murder.” Her nephew fired at least three shots at his intended target while chasing him down the street. He then fired a fourth shot after the officers told him to drop the gun and freeze. Douse was in the process of committing murder. These brave officers did exactly what they are paid and trained to do: protect and serve the public. I would like to personally thank them for a job well done.
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There was nothing "Desperate" looking about Eva Longoria as she worked on her tan while vacationing in Marbella, Spain with new boyfriend Ernesto Arguello on Aug. 4, 2013. The actress suited up in a hot pink bikini and kept her face safely in the shade thanks to a wide-brimmed white hat ...
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A senior Indian army commander said Indian troops were responding to unprovoked firing from Pakistan and targeted military posts, not civilian areas. The firing from Pakistani started last night and continued through the night in two places, the commander said. He accused Pakistan of regularly violating a 2003 cease-fire agreement in Kashmir over the past four days.
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Rumbo is among the first 1,600 families, almost all refugees from floods and mudslides around Caracas, to have been given homes in new apartment blocks covered in Chavez imagery. Eventually, Caribia is intended to house 20,000 families, although critics complain at the slow pace of construction, the collapse of some shoddily-built walls and the lack of transparency over huge sums invested.
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“Wellington took me over to the wall, and on the wall was a little plaque, and it had an inscription on it,” Parcells said. “That inscription was attributed to the first black player ever inducted into this Hall of Fame. His name was Emlen Tunnell. And that inscription said, ‘Losers assemble in little groups and complain about the coaches and players in other little groups. But winners assemble as a team.’ ”
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Meanwhile Esther George, the hawkish chief of the KansasCity Fed who has dissented at every Fed meeting this yearagainst the central bank's ultra-easy monetary policy,reiterated on Thursday her view on that the Fed should being topare back in October.
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Journal News officials did not respond to repeated requests for additional comment. But in a May 15 article, published the day of the records request, the paper said it plans to produce a static map using new information to show how the distribution of pistol permits has changed since the paper published its map in December.
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"I'm still somewhat flummoxed that we could have resulted in a guilty verdict without so much as reviewing what I thought was a great deal of evidence" including hours of surveillance videotape from more than a dozen different camera angels, he said. "There simply wasn't the time."
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As smartphone ownership trickles down the income brackets in both western and emerging markets, Apple's margins have taken a hit. The company's latest financial results showed that the average selling price of an iPhone has fallen to $581, down from $613 in the first quarter.
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Kaepernick jumped off the bench to take a starting spot from Smith. Kaepernick knew he had to play above his own ability to keep the starting job because the precedent had been set by Smith’s benching in favor of Kaepernick himself. Now, there is no one on the bench behind Kaepernick and he will not be forced to play above his ability. Kaepernick is going to disappoint many a Niner fan this season.
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The unanimous vote by the 15-member Security Council capped weeks of intense diplomacy between Russia and the United States. It was based on a deal between the two countries reached in Geneva earlier this month following an August 21 sarin nerve gas attack on a Damascus suburb that killed hundreds.
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